Wednesday, February 22, 2012

~:: 2 Lil FaiRies: PlaYinG HoCkEy @ NaTIoNAl StadIum BukiT JaliL ::~

assalamualaikum,olls...ape kabar u ollss hari ni?harap2 sihat2 aje semua,...saya hri ni cuma nk share pasal activity my kids and mr papapapito last saturday nite :)

actually,started in the beginning of this year,mr papapapito kembali active playing hockey sbb our SMSTMFP former hockey players dh mula dgn proper plans utk having their hockey games at least once a month kat astroturf bukit jalil ni..which is a great news for mr papapapito sbb dia dh sangatsangatsangatsangat rindu nk main.dh lama gilerrrr kot dia tggalkn game ni,sejak2 ada anakla..coz most of his free time dh diperuntukkan utk anak2..:))saya pun tmpang happy tgk dia boleh keluarkan peluh by doing something that he's passionate about :))actually saya pn rindu nk tgk  ketangkasan dia main hockey..not to mention that he was a very good player during his teenage years..dia pnh jadi captain utk hockey team sekolah,main smpai peringkat kbgsaan,smpai dpt offer sekolah  sukan bukit jalil ( tp xpegi coz my FIL xkasi)player utk UM hockey team..main utk clubs like OLAK,PKNS,POS MALAYSIA etc etc etc...dipendekkan cerita my husband was an athletela masa muda2 remaja dulu..even masa sekolah he was our best athlete in 1999,..kihkihkihkih!!!mulala aku plak yg nk bangga lebihkn..tapi we both mmg sgt diffla..klau dia wakilkan selalu ke peringkat kbngsaan wakilkan kelantan utk hoki,saya plak wakilkan kelantan utk bahas & pidato...

eh,pnjang lebar citer pasal sejarah lama,eheheheeh!!!
okayla,layankan je gambor2 we all kt sana :))

papa in action

kids in action


  1. lama x tgk org men hoki...

    p/s tu stad hoki. SNBJ kt sblh tu... ;-)

  2. eheheh!!!sbbnya dua2 pn kt husband slalu panggil stadium hoki bkit jalil :)

  3. hehe.. hebatnya dua beranak ni..mmg kaki sukan erk

  4. LYAFRINA : my husband je..saya main congkak pandaila,kihkihkih!!hrap2 anak2 ann ikut jejak papanya :D
