
~:: JoM SaMa2 KiTa ::~

~Jom KLiK Cni ~

Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

~:: MY goRgeOuS IBU MITHALI & CutIE SofTwaRE EngINeeR ( to be)::~

sihat2 & ceriala semua doanya,....
hari ni kt APSS masih dlm mood berhari raya wpun syawal dh officially over..sobsobsob....we olllssss bru nak adakan jamuan hari raya for teachers..gara2 spanjang bulan raya sangatla kalut ngan mcm2 events..and actually dh buat pn skali jamuan raya dengan today's feast gonna be only for teachers and staffs...ehehehh!!!

owh...back to the topic...honestly,as a mother my most concern is always on how good am i as a mother,how hard have i tried to b fact,saya sangat takut jika saya gagal dalam hal ni...will be a whole life here and after penyesalannya..semoga Allah terus mendengar rintihan & doa saya..semoga keluarga saya sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah...
saya rasa mak2 ni smua pikirkn benda yg samakn...ape2pun biarla quantity seiring ngan quality..insyaAllah :)
Eechaa's preparing herself to be an excellent mom,kehkehkeh!!calon ibu mithali ni,eheheeh!!
bersepah2 used diapers kt rumah yg dia dh pakaikn pada huggy bearsnya..nasib baikla ada abundance of trial packs...bolehla dia main2 :)
 Que yg malam tadi was in mild fever..tapi takde gaya org demam pn....hrrrrrmmmm..dh lama sangat tak demam..agaknya Que demam trkejut...sbb mommanya pagi2 smalam pn dlm keadaan yg sangat trkejut...i was shivering ye...all the way to school...uhuhuh!!nantila saya cerita in diff entry ....

due to that unforeseen circumstances....i was thinking to go home early ...kebetulan plak cikgu kt their play school called and informed that Que wasn't in his tiptop condition...kesian sayang momma...betulla agaknya kata org..anak yg breastfed ni...bondingnya sangat kuat ngan maknya..apa yg maknya  rasa..diakan turut merasa...

dropped by ke drive thru counter belikan McD je for dinner...chicken porridge specially for Que..sampai rumah takdenya nak berlemah longlai...terus kesana kemari...Eechaa plak trtido awal..lepas penat dodoikn Mr Bear Bear..Que pn apa lg....conquered everythingla,ehehhehe!!!

tengokla tu...ada cita2 nak jadi Software Engineer kot,ahhahaha!!!anak2 nowdays...very IT savvy,huh?:)

ehehehh!!!hari ni dapat lagi..this lovely coconut candy..semanis kasih sayang my HOD towards me,ahahah!!perasan plak...:P
my HOD ni dh about my parents age sy mmg treat her as she deserves, mmg look up pada dia coz dia mmg sangat2 down to earth type of person..moga saya juga mampu jadi mcm dia and dikelilingi juga org2 seumpamanya,amiiinnnn....:) *penat melayan kerenah org2 yg hypocrite,takbur & riak...tapi hakikatnya hanyala tin kosong yg berbunyi lantang...nauzubillah....

okayla,olllsss..till we meet again..
take care :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

~:: 2012 UPSR ::~


alhamdulillah...finally it's over..and i guess all Science teachers who are teaching P6 in APSS agak happy since Science paper was pretty easy :)....usaha & ikhtiar sudah..tinggal berdoala skarang..moga2 it worths our effort ..insyaAllah,amiiinnnn....

muka happy and relieved lepas tgk question paper this morning...

since after lunch bertambah lega plak lepas settled the observation for my class..hati pun dh lega and riang gembira..mood nak sorting out pun mai,eheheh!!!sort ape tu...sort barang2 eechaa yg dh tak boleh dipakai tapi saying sangat2 nk buang..sbb still in good condition :)
This is Que's baby patch booties ...will be given to my bestie's newborn son..mmg sayang sgt kt booties ni..teringin nk tgk baby AA plak yg pkai :) still elok sgt2 lg,Que pun pkai a couple of times je:)

 masih lagi berpikir2 nak bagi pada sape..sebahagian dah bagi pada Ustazah kt sini yg now expecting... :))tinggal yg ni je lg balance2 ni..mmg sayang nk buang....:( i remembered to Whatsapp this boy's Mommy ...saje nk tnya how did he find Science paper this morning..harap2nya dia tak buat careless mistakes..this is my feberet tuition student,Shaun :) 

ini plak invitation card dr student's parent utk ke diorang punya open house this Sunday...
hhrrrrrmmmmm..i wish boleh pegi .....tengokla nanti mcmmna...have planned on other things :(
till we meet again,take care :)

~:: Fizz FaiRus : TipS PerKahWinAN::~

insyaAllah,boleh sama2 kita manfaatkn :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

~::8 ThOugHTs FoR aBLuTioN::~

Ketika Ambil Wuduk niatkanlah dalam hati

1. Ketika berkumur, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa mulut dan lidahku ini".

2. Ketika membasuh muka, berniatlah kamu dengan,
... "Ya Allah, putihkanlah >mukaku di akhirat kelak, Janganlah Kau hitamkan muka ku ini".

3. Ketika membasuh tangan kanan, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, berikanlah hisab-hisab ku di tangan kanan ku ini".

4. Ketika membasuh tangan kiri, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, janganlah Kau berikan hisab-hisab ku di tangan kiri ku ini".

5. Ketika membasuh kepala, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, lindunglah daku dari terik matahari di padang Masyar dengan Arasy Mu".

6. Ketika membasuh telinga, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa telinga ku ini".

7. Ketika membasuh kaki kanan, berniatlah kamu dengan.
"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku melintasi titian Siratul Mustaqqim".

8. Ketika membasuh kaki kiri, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, bawakanlah daku pergi ke masjid-masjid, surau-surau dan bukan tempat-tempat maksiat".

insyaAllah..sama2 kita amalkan ... :))

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~:: BeINg A TeaCheR ::~

assalamualaikum ollss...
hari ni agak meriah kt schul gara2 we had a mock fire drill this morning,eheheh!!
habis je fire drilll saya ngadapla miss lappy..1st thing in d morning kenala check inbox dlm outlookkn..kot2 nti ada yg termiss ..haru pulak..then i saw la 1 email from my colleague..tergerak hati nk share ngan u ollsss...last week ada jgk nmpk this same post kt FB..

Respon Orang terhadap profession perguruan->

1. Kerja cikgu ni senang... jer.... ... ...

2. Kerja sikit. Cuti banyak.


Time pertandingan bola.. cikgu jd REFEREE..

Time budak nak bertanding apa2 acara... cikgu jd JURULATIH

Time aktiviti KH.. cikgu jd PETANI..

Time kutip yuran.. cikgu jd AKAUNTAN..

Time RMT.. cikgu jd PELAYAN..

Time budak sakit.. cikgu jd DOKTOR..

Time ceramah.. cikgu jd MOTIVATOR..

Time hias kelas.. cikgu jd PELUKIS SENI..

Time persembahan hari guru.. cikgu jd KOMPOSER..

Time baiki kerusi rosak.. cikgu jd TUKANG KAYU..

Time budak muntah/berak dlm kelas.. cikgu jd TUKANG CUCI..

Time budak mencuri.. cikgu jd DETEKTIF..

Time budak wat persembahan... cikgu jd PHOTOGRAPHER

Time perkhemahan.. cikgu jd TENTERA..

Time hari kantin.. cikgu jadi PENIAGA PASAR MALAM..

Time hari Guru... cikgu jd PENYANYI..

Time gotong royong sekolah... cikgu jd TUKANG KEBUN

Time masuk waktu solat.. cikgu jd TOK IMAM..

Time parent amek lambat... cikgu jd BABY SITTER..

Time budak bergaduh.. cikgu jd HAKIM MAHKAMAH..

Time budak sakit kecemasan.. cikgu jd PEMANDU AMBULANS..

Time merentas desa.. cikgu jd POLIS TRAFIK..

Time budak sedih.. cikgu jd PELAWAK..

* fahamkan pekerjaan sebagai guru ni? dialah segala-galanya !!

opppppssss...!!!dont take me wrong :D..i didn't share this just because i am a teacher..tapi sbb saya rasa it's a good thought for all of us..furthermore saya ni cikgu kt private school & to be honest our style of working is pretty diff from gormen pnya..but yet we r still playing the same roles :)

and my personal experience plak..saya mmg hormat & kasih2kn guru2 saya..pada saya they were my second parents..i'd spent 5years of days & nights kt boarding bolehla korg bygkn how big were the roles of them in my life..

walaupun kini saya bukan la sorg perdana menteri..tapi saya percaya yang tanpa guru yg dedikasi,takkan ada all these successful people in this world..

moral of the story..

cuci2kan hati dari rasa PHD yang x bertepi tu..kihkihkih!!boleh plak...:P

okayla,u ollss..till we meet again...dh sampai masa utk teruskan mendidik..take care :)

gambor2 saya yg transformed jd SCIENTIST,yeeehhaaaaaaa!!!!

 experiment on plants competition

experiment on effect of smoking habit on the lungs
experiment on microorganisms : breathe 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

~:: 20 amalan murah rezeki ::~

1.Menyempatkan diri beribadah
Allah tidak sia-siakan pengabdian diri hamba-Nya, seperti firman-Nya dalam hadis qudsi: “Wahai anak Adam, sempatkanlah untuk menyembah-Ku maka Aku akan membuat hatimu kaya dan menutup kefakiranmu. Jika tidak melakukannya maka Aku akan penuhi tanganmu dengan kesibukan dan Aku tidak menutup kefakiranmu.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah r.a.) < -- lesson learn kat sini..masuk je azan ..kene terus gi solat..jangan dok tangguh2 mengadap peringatan untuk diri sendiri gak..sbb kadang2 saya ralit dpn laptop..saya dok tangguhkan… tapi saya dah try amalkan..bile saya focus..ingatAllah lebih then baru sy focus keje saya..masyaAllah..melimpah rezeki saya..alhamdulillah Allah takkan memungkiri janjiNya
2.Memperbanyak istighfar
Istighfar adalah rintihan dan pengakuan dosa seorang hamba di depan Allah, yang menjadi sebab Allah jatuh kasih dan kasihan pada hamba-Nya lalu Dia berkenan melapangkan jiwa dan kehidupan si hamba. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Barang siapa yang memperbanyak istighfar maka Allah s.w.t akan menghapuskan segala kedukaannya, menyelesaikan segala masalahnya dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yan g tidak disangka.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-N as a’i, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari A bd ullah bin Abb as r.a.) < --bykkan beristigfar ..kalau dpt 70x sebelum subuh..
3.Tinggalkan perbuatan dosa
Istighfar tidak laku di sisi Allah jika masih buat dosa. Dosa bukan saja membuat hati resah malah menutup pintu rezeki. Sa bd a Nabi s.a.w.: “… dan seorang lelaki akan diharamkan baginya rezeki kerana dosa yan g dibuatnya.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi) < -- Ya Allah ampunla dosa2 lalu ku..dan peliharalah aku dari membuat dosa,, saya ni pun manusia biasa jer..huhuhu

4.Sentiasa ingat Allah
Banyak ingat Allah buatkan hati tenang dan kehidupan terasa lapang. Ini rezeki yang hanya Allah beri kepada orang beriman. Firman-Nya: “(iaitu) orang-orang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah maka hati akan menjadi tenteram.” (Ar-Ra’d: 28)< -- yelah…lagi kita ingat dunia..lagi tak tenteram hati ni kan kan..
5.Berbakti dan mendoakan ibu bapa
Dalam hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah s.a.w. berpesan agar siapa yang ingin panjang umur dan ditambahi rezekinya, hendaklah berbakti kepada ibu bapanya dan menyambung tali kekeluargaan. Baginda s.a.w. juga bersabda: “Siapa berbakti kepada ibu bapanya maka kebahagiaanlah buatnya dan Allah akan memanjangkan umurnya.” (Riwayat Abu Ya’ala, at-Tabrani, al-Asybahani dan al-Hakim) Mendoakan ibu bapa juga menjadi sebab mengalirnya rezeki, berdasarkan sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Apabila hamba itu meninggalkan berdoa kepada kedua orang tuanya nescaya terputuslah rezeki (Allah) daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan ad-Dailami)< -jadi sape2 yang masih hidup kedua org tuanya..berbaktilah yer…..
6.Berbuat baik dan menolong orang yang lemah
Berbuat baik kepada orang yang lemah ini termasuklah menggembira kan dan meraikan orang tua, orang sakit, anak yatim dan fakir miskin, juga isteri dan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Tidaklah kamu diberi pertolongan dan diberi rezeki melainkan kerana orang-orang lemah di kalangan kamu.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
7.Tunaikan hajat orang lain
Menunaikan hajat orang menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan rezeki dalam bentuk tertunainya hajat sendiri, seperti sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Siapa yang menunaikan hajat saudaranya maka Allah akan menunaikan hajatnya…” (Riwayat Muslim)
8.Banyak berselawat
Ada hadis yang menganjurkan berselawat jika hajat atau cita-cita tidak tertunai kerana selawat itu dapat menghilangkan kesusahan, kesedihan, dan kesukaran serta meluaskan rezeki dan menyebabkan terlaksananya semua hajat. Wallahu a’lam.
9.Buat kebajikan banyak-banyak
Ibnu Abb as berkata: “Sesungguhnya kebajikan itu memberi cahaya kepada hati, kemurahan rezeki, kekuatan jasad dan disayangi oleh makhluk yang lain. Manakala kejahatan pula boleh menggelapkan rupa, menggelapkan hati, melemahkan tubuh, sempit rezeki dan makhluk lain mengutuknya.”

Menurut Rasulullah s.a.w., berpagi-pagi (memulakan aktiviti harian sebaik-baik selesai solat Subuh berjemaah) adalah amalan yang berkat. < -- lepas subuh tu ..jgnla sambung selimut balik..cemanalah rezeki nak masuk.. so lepas subuh…plan your activities kay
11.Menjalin silaturrahim
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: “Barang siapa ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilambatkan ajalnya maka hendaklah dia menghubungi sanak-saudaranya.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
12.Melazimi kekal berwuduk.
Seorang Arab desa menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. dan meminta pedoman mengenai beberapa perkara termasuk mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah. Baginda s.a.w. bersabda: “Sentiasalah berada dalam keadaan bersih (dari hadas ) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki.” (Diriwayatkan daripada Sayidina Khalid al-Walid)
Sedekah mengundang rahmat Allah dan menjadi sebab Allah buka pintu rezeki. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda kepada Zubair bin al-Awwam: “Hai Zubair, ketahuilah bahawa kunci rezeki hamba itu ditentang Arasy, yang dikirim oleh Allah az za wajalla kepada setiap hamba sekadar nafkahnya. Maka siapa yang membanyakkan pemberian kepada orang lain, nescaya Allah membanyakkan baginya. Dan siapa yang menyedikitkan, nescaya Allah menyedikitkan baginya.” (Riwayat ad-Daruquthni dari An as r.a.)
14.Melazimi solat malam (tahajud)
Ada keterangan bahawa amalan solat tahajjud memudahkan memperoleh rezeki, menjadi sebab seseorang itu dipercayai dan dihormati orang dan doanya dimakbulkan Allah.

15.Melazimi solat Dhuha
Amalan solat Dhuha yang dibuat waktu orang sedang sibuk dengan urusan dunia (aktiviti harian), juga mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Firman Allah dalam hadis qudsi: “Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau mal as mengerjakan empat rakaat pada waktu permulaan siang (solat Dhuha), nanti pasti akan Aku cukupkan keperluanmu pada petang harinya." (Riwayat al-Hakim dan Thabrani)
16.Bersyukur kepada Allah
Syukur ertinya mengakui segala pemberian dan nikmat dari Allah. Lawannya adalah kufur nikmat. Allah berfirman: "Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya Aku tambahi nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan demi sesungguhnya jika kamu kufur, sesungguhnya az ab-Ku amat ker as ." (Ibrahim: 7) Firman-Nya lagi: “… dan Kami akan memberi bal as an kepada orang-orang yan g bersyukur.” (Ali Imran: 145)

17.Mengamalkan zikir dan bacaan ayat Quran tertentu
Zikir dari ayat-ayat al-Quran atau asma’ul husna selain menenangkan, menjenihkan dan melunakkan hati, ia mengandungi fadilat khusus untuk keluasan ilmu, terbukanya pintu hidayah, dimudahkan faham agama, diberi kemanisan iman dan dilapangkan rezeki.
Misalnya, dua ayat terakhir surah at-Taubah (ayat 128-129) jika dibaca secara konsisten tujuh kali setiap kali lepas solat, dikatakan boleh menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan kehidupan dan murahkan rezeki.
Salah satu nama Allah, al-Fattah (Maha Membukakan) dikatakan dapat menjadi sebab dibukakan pintu rezeki jika diwiridkan selalu; misalnya dibaca 
Ya Allah ya Fattah” berulang-ulang, diiringi doa: “Ya Allah, bukalah hati kami untuk mengenali-Mu, bukalah pintu rahmat dan keampunan-Mu, ya Fattah ya 'Alim.” 
Ada juga hadis menyebut, siapa amalkan baca surah al-Waqi’ah setiap malam, dia tidak akan ditimpa kepapaan. Wallahu a’lam.
Berdoa menjadikan seorang hamba dekat dengan Allah, penuh bergantung dan mengharap pada rahmat dan pemberian dari-Nya. Dalam al-Quran, Allah suruh kita meminta kepada-Nya, nescaya Dia akan perkenankan.
Siapa berusaha, dia akan dapat. Ini sunnatullah. Dalam satu hadis sahih dikatakan bahawa Allah berikan dunia kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya dan yang tidak dicintai-Nya, tapi agama hanya Allah beri kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya saja. (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan al-Hakim).Bagi orang beriman, tentulah dia perlu mencari sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada murah rezeki dalam skop yang luas . Misalnya, hendak tenang dibacanya Quran, hendak dapat anak yang baik dididiknya sejak anak dalam rahim lagi, hendak sihat dijaganya pemakanan dan makan yang baik dan halal, hendak dapat jiran yang baik dia sendiri berusaha jadi baik, hendak rezeki berkat dijauhinya yan g haram, dan sebagainya.
Dengan tawakal, seseorang itu akan direzekikan rasa kaya dengan Allah. Firman-Nya: “Barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah mencukupkan (keperluannya).” (At-Thalaq: 3)
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: “Seandainya kamu bertawakal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakal, nescaya kamu diberi rezeki seperti burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (Riwayat Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim dari Umar bin al-Khattab r.a.)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

~::CREATIVITY starts from a BELIEF::~

when i first watched this attention was drawn to the music..i loved it to d max..
but after a while my whole soul was driven to the content itself...

i totally agree with every single message which is brought forward in this video....

and i regularly watch this video just to convince myself that it is never be wrong to follow ur instinct as long as it is legal in Islamic view..insyaAllah

what say you????

Saturday, September 24, 2011

~::EidUlFitRi 2011 ::~

aidilfitri 2011 dh smpai ke pnghujung...semua org busy brkunjung ke rumah2 terbuka @ open houses kn....

skg bru smpt update blog ngan gambar2 raye...

raye tahunni braya di kg halaman terengganu & kg husband di kelate...

dh brpuluh tahun kitorg hidup bila dpt beraya ngan saudara mara ditrengganu...mstila sgt2 
seronok...and yg for sure xkn missjalan2 di sepanjang persisiran pantai terengganu..

jom layan gambar2 keindahan pantai terengganu..

Monday, August 1, 2011

~:: RamAdHan 1432 Hijrah ::~

alhamdulillah,....dipanjangkan usia bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
syukur pada Allah pada kesempatan ni..semoga dipermudahkan dalam menjalani ibadah berpuasa dalam keadaan masih menyusukan Que sepenuhnya...melayan kerenah EEchaa yg pelbagai lagi...

pagi tadi gagahkan diri bangun sahur..makan nasi n minum air sebanyak yang boleh..makan kurma pemberian Proton :))...semoga ada tenaga yang cukup sepanjang hari n susu yg cukup utk Que..amiiinnnn....

tiba bulan Ramadhan ni...hati mulala berpikir2 kn..mane bazar Ramadhan yang best...mcmna plak hrga jualan mkanan bulan2 pose ni...
cuma tahun ni agak'excited'an nk ke bazar ramadhan tu mcm xbrpa ada memandangkan asyik terigt nk cepat balik masak n layan kanak2 ribena berdua tu :))

ape2pn semoga semuanya berjalan lancarla..amiinnn..:))

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~:: ThaT's THe WaY It Is By CeLIne DioN ::~

Celine Dion - That's The Way It Is (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: AsAS, Asa

"That's The Way It Is"

I can read your mind and I know your story
I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you

Don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When you question me for a simple answer
I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see, if you stick together
You're gonna find a way, yeah

So don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When life is empty with no tomorrow
And loneliness starts to call
Baby, don't worry, forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

That's the way it is
That's the way it is, babe
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

~:: HPV and CeRviCaL CanCER::~

what is HPV?

As HPV infection is a major cause of cervical cancer, vaccination offers the hope of a reduction in the incidence of this cancer.

HUMAN papilloma virus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection.
The HPV virus needs to infect cells in order to survive. Once inside a cell, it directs the cell to make copies of it and to infect other healthy cells. The infected cells eventually die and are shed from the body. When the virus is shed, it can infect another person.

There are different types of HPV. The low risk types, such as HPV6 and HPV11 cause benign genital and respiratory warts, while persistent infection with high-risk types such as HPV16 and HPV18 is associated with increased risk of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), which is a precursor of cervical cancer.

The genital warts (condylomas) may appear on the outside or inside the reproductive tract. It can spread to nearby skin or to a sexual partner.
Genital warts are more likely to occur in people who have more than one sexual partner or whose sexual partner has more than one partner. Other reproductive tract infections are often associated with genital warts.
HPV is a major cause of cancer of the cervix. HPV infections by the high risk types are common in young sexually active women. Most clear spontaneously without ever causing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia while some develop a persistent infection.

Hence, cervical cancer can be considered a rare consequence of persistent infection with one or more high risk types, with other as yet undefined factors playing a role.
Studies suggest that HPV may also cause cancer of the vulva, vagina, anus, some cancers of the oropharynx (middle part of the throat that includes the base of the tongue and tonsils).

The more sexual partners a person has, the more likely he or she will get HPV infection. The vast majority of HPV infections go away without treatment. Certain factors like smoking, multiple sexual partners, having many children, oral contraceptive use and HIV infection are associated with an increase in the risk of developing cervical cancer.

As HPV may have no symptoms, it may be more common than is thought.
Most genital warts may appear within a few weeks or months after sexual contact with an infected person or they may not appear at all.

The warts are flat, abnormal growths in the genital area including the cervix. Sometimes, the warts are extensive with a cauliflower-like appearance.
There is no published data on the disease burden of HPV infection in our country as HPV is not a notifiable infection.

However, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women here.
The National Cancer Register for 2003 shows the incidence in Peninsular Malaysia as 13.4 and 62.9 per 100,000 women in the age groups 15 to 49 and 50 to 69 years respectively.

HPV vaccines
Women who had previously been infected by a particular HPV type are unlikely to get re-infected by the same HPV type because of the antibodies produced.
There are two types of HPV vaccines: a bivalent (HPV16 and HPV18) and a quadrivalent vaccine (HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18).
Both vaccines provide protection against 70% of the HPV types that cause cervical cancer.
In addition, the quadrivalent vaccine provides protection against 90% of the HPV types that cause genital warts.

The vaccines do not provide protection against HPV types that a person has been exposed to.
However, a person who has had HPV may still benefit from the vaccine because most people are not infected with all the types of HPV contained in the vaccine.
The vaccines do not provide protection against other sexually transmitted infections (STI).
Information about some aspects of HPV vaccines is yet to be clarified. This includes the duration of protection although current data indicates that the protection after vaccination lasts at least five years.
The vaccines are given by injection in the upper arm. The second and third doses are given two and six months later.
The optimal age for HPV vaccination is between the age of nine and 26 years.

Effectiveness and safety
The HPV vaccines are effective. Studies of both vaccines, to-date, have reported near 100% efficacy.
HPV vaccines are generally well tolerated and reactions are minimal. It is usually limited to some pain, swelling, itching and redness at the injection site, fever, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.
Other side effects reported include swollen glands in the neck, armpit, or groin, headache, skin rashes, joint pain, aching muscles, unusual tiredness or weakness, and a general feeling of being unwell.
Allergic reactions have been reported. They include difficulty in breathing, wheezing and rashes. Some of these reactions are severe.

It is important to inform your doctor if you or your child has had an allergic reaction to the vaccine; has a bleeding disorder; is immunocompromised, such as with HIV infection; is pregnant or is planning to get pregnant, as the vaccine is not recommended for use in pregnant women; has a fever more than 37.8°C; and is taking or intends to take any medicines including over the counter medicines.
HPV vaccination is no substitute for Pap smear screening. Those who have received HPV vaccines should continue Pap smear screening.

An abnormal Pap smear does not mean that a person has HPV infection or any other condition, including cancer.
It does mean that you have to be examined with a procedure called colposcopy. This involves using a magnifying instrument to look at the cervix, vagina, vulva and anus.
If there are areas that appear suspicious, a biopsy, in which a small sample of tissue is removed for microscopic examination, will be performed.
As HPV infection is a major cause of cervical cancer, vaccination offers the hope of a reduction in the incidence of cervical cancer.

However, other measures are needed to eradicate cervical cancer. They include widespread Pap smear screening and safe sexual practices.
One should also remember that HPV vaccines prevent HPV infections. It cannot be extrapolated to the prevention of cervical cancer as there are, apart from HPV infection, other as yet undefined factors playing a role in the genesis of cervical cancer.
Dr Milton Lum is the chairperson of the Commonwealth Medical Trust. This article is not intended to replace, dictate or define evaluation by a qualified doctor. The views expressed do not represent that of any organisation the writer is associated with

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in Malaysia, these days school girls are so lucky because they are getting the vaccinations for i wish that i also got the same chances last time...
to get it by myself now it costs about RM 1200 for all 3 doses
but of course the amount doesnt mean anything if it really prevents you from getting this fatal disease

moral of the story....
pray to Allah and do our own part, try our level best

Thursday, July 21, 2011

~:: KeeP YouR SmoKe To YouRsElF::~

i just saw a post being posted by few of my friends in my FB wall this morning..

it's indeed a very good message but i'm not so sure about the effect to the smokers

how i wish it really goes to their heart..stays there ..means a lot to them....because only then it'll be a successful effort done by other people to make them realize....

the post is:

Dear Smokers, Please get a plastic bag and cover yourself whenever you want to start smoking to enable you to enjoy the smoke 100% by yourself. I don't want any percentage of it nor do my friends who don't smoke. Don't kill me if you want to kill yourself. Regards, Your Friend :)...

and i inserted a picture here in my entry..the pictures of a lung belongs to a  non-smoker and a smoker..