daripada pagi semalam,tak tercuri masa nk come out with a new entry...walaupun wednesdays should b my 'free' day but yesterday turned out differently..dgn relieved my bestie's class nya..ngan kena buat peer observationnya..smuanya ad-hocs..ape nak buat..that's the nature of my career :)
oh,ye..entry kali ni nk cerita byk bnda..will try to make it short and sweet,eheheh!!!but of coursela..those who know me mmg tak pandai nk cerita pendek2,eheheh!!!
ok,pic above is just a symbolic pic representing the title..yes,me myself and all my sweethearts in my blessed family have moved started with our BIG decision to move out from our old rented place in Damansara..sadly said that it wasn't wasn't a pleasure to make our mind but we had to ..coz we know eventually we will have to do had been 4 years and we bared all the consequences of staying at a place that used to be comfy and quiet..but obviously after a year..everything started worsen gradually...with all kinds of people became residents, part of the neighborhood until that we don't feel secured anymore..and at the same time all kinds of constructions started to take place...problems on water supply happened so frequently ( reminded me on how i had to carry pails of water when i was 6months preggy up to the 15th level..oh,my ;( ..).....etc..etc....just to name a few...but i really made my mind to strongly influence mr papapapito to agree with me leaps i brought my car to do a so called 'checkup' and...i was told that my car condition is terribly bad and it happened because it has been traveled daily kat jalan2 yg sangat rosak ..macam hari2 heavy duty..macam hari2 panjat bukit bukau..uhuhuh!!of course sbb our old place kt on top of a hill....and paling scary trbaru there was a murder case took place..oh,My....:(
so...i guess it's about time..and yg paling saya syukuri Allah has actually listened to our prayers..dr mula saya start keje kt tmpat baru...ada my colleague tnya klau2 nk sewa rumah dkt dgn rumah we finally contacted the owner,...nego2...rupanya she intended to sell it tapi klau ada yg nk menyewa pn she said it's better than nothing..mcm org mengantuk disorongkan April after a couple of visits paid by a valuator saya paid them earnest depo...since rumah tu dh kosong lama..we were offered to rent it sementara segala urusan jual beli diuruskan ( definitely will take some time)...memang kena pada masanyala...syukran Ya,Ilahi....semoga Allah terus merahmati hidup kami skeluarga dan sentiasa membantu kami dalam segala urusan..alhamdulillah so far segala2nya berjalan seperti yg diharapkan memandangkan rumah tu sederhana saja..proses pembelian pn cuma melibatkan nama saya seorang...bukan tak mau berkongsi ngan mr papapapito tapi memandangkan harganya tidak trlalu tinggi sehingga memerlukan kami menggabungkan both of our incomes..lagipun my own commitment dengan bank under my name pn takla teruk sangat except for a car..apepun ..bersyukur ape adanya..sbb mmg seboleh2nya biarla tidak terlalu membebankan...sgala apa yg dimiliki di dunia ni hanyala pinjaman semata2kn...insyaAllah..jika dipanjangkan usia..masih banyak agenda lain yg menanti :))...ape2pun,skurang2nya jika anything happens to me..adala skit backup for my children's survival...
mr papapapito jgk selalu ingatkan saya yg biarla segalanya bersederhana..lagipun kami dh punya tanah pusaka masing2..manala tau ada rzeki lebih..boleh balik kg..buat rumah yg lebih selesa..insyaAllah...
apepun,jom jenguk2 gambor aktiviti sepanjang weekend lepas..yg mmg ibarat tak sempat nk rebahkan badan,uhuhuh!!
wajah anakku yg comel penyejuk kalbu,cewaaahhh!!!
tengah penat2 pack barang...hilang kejap lelah nya bila layankan gelagat Que :)
when this pic was captured ...barang2 dh more than 50% moved to our new place in fact banyak gila barang2 trpaksa di buang and ada jgk di agih2kn pada neighbours and friends..since rumah baru ni agak kecik..tapi more than enough utk my small family ni :)
muka ala2 ketat masa berurusan kt Unifi Kota Damansara untuk pindahkan pemasangan ke rumah baru...ketat tu bukan sebab service dorang tak bagus tapi sebab tak berapa happy ngan time frame given and the charges applied,uhuhu!!!
we started to clear our things out from Damansara on Thursday...and we officially returned the keys to the owner on Saturday ....
since that was the first weekend of Syawal that we had in KL..we tried our level best utk tetap memenuhi undangan open on Friday evening..since my bros and sis were still busy escorting
lori utk angkat barang2..i decided to go to my bestie's place in Old Klang ngan my 2 lil fairies je...
and kt sna one of my besties , Nolie bawakkan we ollss her famous pavlova,yummeyyyhhh!!
my sahabat di dunia & akhirat...ada lg a few yg xsmpat's one of nikmat pemberian Allah pd saya..persahabatan aged almost 20 yrs,..tak trbeli ngan wang ringgit :)
Hari Sabtunya plak sempena recognition of new directors of Tupperware ...Sinar Farhana Team organized an open house by the poolside of Metropolitan Square Condo,Damansara Perdana :)..memangla sedaya upaya saya pegi jgk..coz i was one of the new ranked up directors,eheheheh!!!
oh, wasn't easy..malas nak cerita how much have i sacrificed tapi alhamdulillah i finally made challenge has to be faced is to maintain ,huwaaaa!!!
tapi insyaAllah with strong will nothing is impossiblekn:)
layankan gambor2 mu beloved sweethearts witnessing another milestone achieved by their beloved momma :))
tupperware's new product which helps to bring miracles in our kitchen...:)
bubur Chacha in d making ..cuma guna 1 tablespoon of water..siap dlm less than half an hour..magic kn? kihkihkih!!!

hadiah yg saya dapat hari tu...suka suka !!!
sebelah malamnya plak we olllsss ke Keramat..meraikan majlis open house my ex-colleague plak who still remains as one of my bestie..seronok dapat jumpa lagi..Eecha ngan Que pn sronok coz they ollsss dh biasa jumpa and hang out sama2... :)
on Sunday plak,sbelah pagi tak kemana2...unpacked some of the boxes,arranged our funitures yg ado2 tu...then we went to my colleague's house..dekat je ngan rumah..actually we were supposed to go to her house Jumaat malam tu ,dia buat open house tapi sbb dh kepenatan and ada 1 lg trip lori jadi tak dapatla pegi ...tapi demi prsahabatan,sanggup my bestie ni masakkan nasi ayam utk we ollsss for lunch on Sunday...eheheh!!!
layankan gambor my 2 lil fairies kt sna :)
Que yg rajin sepahkan barang..tapi rajin jugak dia kemaskan smula..cuma selalunya mesti kena dibantu oleh kakak,eheheh!!!
hari ni pn dh Khamis lagi..dh dekat seminggu berpindah ke kejiranan baru yg buat masa ni sangat kami senangi..sunyi,tenang and sangat sesuai utk my kids :)
moga2 keadaan akan kekal macam ini atau mungkin lebih baik insyaAllah :))
hrrmmmm...this weekend belum pasti lagi planningnya macammna..barang2 pn berlambak lgi yg blm house pn nk pegi jgk,eheheh!!!mujurla ada adik2 yg tak jemu membantu...
and look..there were dwarf carpenters in d house,ahahah!!
konon2 nak tolong anyahnya assembled their new wardrobes :)
okay,ollsss...till we meet again..
take care,ya :)
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