
~:: JoM SaMa2 KiTa ::~

~Jom KLiK Cni ~

Monday, April 30, 2012

~:: NeW BloG FoR sCiEnCE ::~


hari ni saya extremely exhausted..seharian di sekolah dengan sambutan Earth Day..alhamdulillah everything went smoothly.. :))

gambor2 kt atas tu gambor last visit by eechaa ke Alor Star..skrang ni pun dia still kt sna..insyaAllah esok kmbalila buah hati pengarang jantung mama papa adik tu ke damnsara ni :)

saya akhirnya berjaya update Science Blog yg dh sekian lama sy plan nak buat.

jemput jenguk2 ke sana ,ya :)

clickla kt sni SciEnCEandUS

till we meet again,take care :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

~::EeChAa'S VideOS & hAzIq Tom ToM BaK::~


ceria2 di hari minggu?eheheheh!!!

saya pn ceria :) sbb pg td dpt peram tido,kihkihkih!!!
xbuat brekfes mcm biasa coz mr papapapito pn cuti,so he went out to buy brekfes for us 

so inila santapan pagi td :)

nasi impit kuah kacang my all time feberet

nasi kerabu pujaan mr papapapito

dh settled brekfes mr papapapito kluar p hantar mama's cabuk miss red ke bengkel for MAJOR SERVICE..

- tukar timing belt
-tukat brake hubs
-tukar bearing
-tukar tayar
-tukar gasket

hujung bulan nti road tax renewal plak..pergggghhhhh!!terbaikla!!!mmg bulan untuk MISS REDla...huwaaaaa!!!

okla,enough bout MISS RED yg wpun cabuk tp bnyak berjasa tu..bak kta mr papapapito...xpela kita berhabisan pun..tuk kselamatan mama ngan anak2 jgk,...ngehehe!!! :D

tengah2 type entry ni td smbil2 tgk Apa Saje FBi kt tv9kn...tetiba nampak plak muka yg ala2 familiar gitu....ya ampuunnnn!!!punyala ketinggalan zaman ckgu sains ko ni only i know that he involves in broadcasting..kesiannnnn...

apepun,saya mmg dgn sngaja merojakkn cerita hri ni,ngehehe!!!gara2 pening memikirkn how's Que in few more days time..dgn ketiadaan kakak aka eechaa yg ikut Anyah nya blik Aloq Staq...:'(
gara2 trlampau rindu...the above videosssla yg jadi pengubatnya..mlm tadi sblm tido videos tula yg dia duk ulang tgk instead of gummy bear :(

oh,ye..nk selit skit..mlm td after dh agak lma xjenguk Downtown Kota Damansara and i'v to honestly say that i was quite upset..tak taula atas dasar ape tapi sangat banyak barang yg dh dinaikkn hrga...

hrmmmm...semoga masa berlalula dgn pantas hendaknyerr....

okayla,ollsss...nk siap2 nk bawak Que kluar jalan2 & shopping2la plak..biar kurang sikit rindu dendamnya pd kakak (boleh ke)....

take care ollss...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

~:: A 12 yEar Old BoY ; NAyATi ShaMElin Was AbdUCted::~

Missing boy, was kidnapped this morning, please spread this news

“Early this morning, 27 April, Nayati Shamelin Moodliar was abducted a short distance from the Mont’Kiara International School. A police report has been filed, but his whereabouts are still unknown. There were two Indian male occupants Please, if you have see this child please call the Malaysian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604. Please share.”
Update: “In the abduction of the student Nayati Shamelin Moodliar, in Mont’Kiara, the auto used was a black Proton Gen 2. The tag number is WNH 1356. There were two Indian male occupants

Malaysiansss...kita semua in a society yg prihatinkn?
jom be observant where ever we go jalan2 ke ape2 ke...poor this boy...pakat2 pita doakan keselamatan dia & mintak dijauhkan daripada berlaku kepada our immediate family members...pakat2 kita be more careful...sya rasa agar cuak coz this internatiional school is pretty near to my housing area.. :(

~::DiSPosABLe DIaPers ::~


macam dh agak lama xcerita2 & share thoughts on parentingkn?

okayla,hari ni nk share my thought based on my own experience pasal isu yg sangat related to motherhood:

before i start,just nk gently reminding u ollsss yg THIS IS MY PERSONAL apologies...klau ada antra u ollsss yg punya pndapat brbeza...yela..kita semua kn came from diff backgorund,diff style of livinghood,diff expectation & mcm2 lagila...ceh,macamla serius sgt isunyakn,kihkihkihkih!!!

okay..dr awal2 melahirkan eechaa...sama jugak msa melahirkan Que ..dlm tempoh berpantang...mcm baby2 yg lain dorg sgt kerap changing diaperskn...sbb time nikn dorg kerap poop..3,4 kali shari kira standardla..and of course tiap kali after shower pn tukar utk tidak membazir..msa dlm pkaikan dorg diapers yg murah je..
mcm tesco choice punya ni..

pic source : google

alhamdulillah..dorg serasi je pkai diapers jenis mcm tu..takde plak dorg kena rashes ke be honest,sy mmg sorg ibu yg realistic..sentiasa mengukur baju di badan sndiri...jadi sy mmg xsuka membazir pd bnda2 yg xperlu & sntiasa mncari pilihan yg lebih economic & pling penting yg serasi ngan anak2.
but of course the most important aspect that counted ialah keserasiannya ngan kulit anak2 :)
jgn disangka yg murah xberkualiti ye,ibu2..
look at this pic & u can do the comparison part urself :)

source pic :atanayuiman

bila dh habis pntang,sya mula mncari alternatives utk diapers yg offer better absorbancy..sbb dorg dh krg poop & xperlu trlalu kerap tkr diaperskn & yg pnting xperlu kerap tukar time tido mlm :)

time ni msa eechaa umur 4,5 bln gitula sy bt TRY& ERROR ...hmpir smua brand sya cuba...
and my findings are:
( again: this is from my own point of view,dan upon keserasian trhadap kulit anak2 saya )

huggies : xserasi sbb tiba2 kulit eechaa ditumbuhi rashes
drypers : good absorbancy tp sy tak suka stickers & tapenya..cepat hilang adhesivenessnya.
pureen dry 5 : good absorbancy tp sy kurang gemar jgk stickersnya..cepat hilang adhesivenessnya.
mamypoko : very good absorbancy, very good in adhesiveness.. tp xbrapa economical
except for mamypoko pants..very affordable & reasonable with the quality offered :)
PetPet : very good absorbancy, very good in adhesiveness..allows multiple refastening, very economical. ( started jatuh cinta ngan PetPet bila dap at gift kt hospital after giving birth to Que,joined the contest & Que dpt PA coverage worths 12K, a prize rewarded by PetPet)

so,lepas all these TRY & ERROR...i  concluded -
for both of my lil fairies :

daily usage : PETPET

jalan2 usage ( snang nk tukar kalau xde tmpat yg proper): MAMYPOKO easypants atau drypantz

when they started going to decided to guna yg cheaper skit dr those mentioned above khas utk bwk g nursery je..sbb kt sana dorg bathe like 3-4 times a day ( bygkan usage & cost utk both of them) and it's so sad that eechaa yg dh pndai g toilet sndri tu pn trpksa dipakaikn diapers kt sna :(
so,for  NURSERY usage  : PUREEN/ TESCO

okay,nak dijadikan cerita..Rabu ptang yg lps sy pegi JCard Sale kt Midvalley ,mcm slalu sy akan beli stock diapers esp PetPet mmg save beli time ni,nasib baik gaji belum masuk klau tak for sure saya tend nk memboros yg bukan2 :P
dengan kuciwanya,PetPet size M dh habis :(
so saya cuma dapt belikn stocks for eechaa,pastu dtgla Drypers promoter...recommended their new look diapers...she said that it's added with aloe vera blablabla.... sy dgn agak rude jgk (sorry,madam)..cut her short & terus tnya...dorg tukar tape nya  tak?and she quickly replied with full of confidence YESSSSSS!!!
 so i ended buying Drypers for Que...agak excited jgk nk check on how it goes :)
alhamdulillah,agak happy coz other than it's cute new look,tape dia mmg dh tukar even better than PetPet,ngehehehe!!!

so,skarang saya ada new preferencela ,ngehehehe!!
bolehla nti beli je Drypers @ PetPet.tgk yg mana tgh salekn :P
anyways,moga my thought sharing boleh sama2 dijadikn panduan utk fellow mothers semua :P
jadi ibu nikan sbnrnya jgk domestic manager, a wise domestic manager must know how to spend money wisely :)

anak2 makin membesar makin bertambah keperluannya..cost of living pn smakin hari smakin,mmg kena pndai manage our expenses kn..esp kena selalu beringat2 for future..insyaAllah,moga panjang umur :)

okayla,dh pnjang lebar sangatkn...till my fingers meet the keyboard again :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

~:: Ku InGinKaN KebErKATAn : SelAWaT pAdA RAsulUllAH::~


jom sama2 jadikan panduan dan amalan 
insyaAllah.. :))

p/s * jemput jenguk video ni Al Quran Mengajar Kita ...
hasil kreativiti adik kpada my junior  msa secondary school dlu :)

till then,take care :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

~:: EaRTh DaY 2012 : MobILiZe The EarTH::~


smalam saya dh berjaya settledkn hal exam papers..alhamdulillah..
next in queue is EArtH Day CelebRation :)
actually,by right it's supposed to be celebrated on 22nd April tp since it was Sunday and our school was on off the following Monday,so we decided to bring it forward to next week :)

briefly bout EARTH DAY 

The History Of Earth Day 

The first Earth Day celebration took place on March 21, 1970, the vernal equinox that year. It was the brainchild of John McConnell, a newspaper publisher and influential community activist, who proposed the idea of a global holiday called Earth Day at a UNESCO Conference on the Environment in 1969.

McConnell suggested an annual observance to remind the people of Earth of their shared responsibility as environmental stewards. He chose the vernal equinox - the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, the first day of autumn in the southern hemisphere - because it is a day of renewal.

At the vernal equinox (always March 20 or March 21), night and day are the same length everywhere on Earth. McConnell believed that Earth Day should be a time of equilibrium when people could put aside their differences and recognize their common need to preserve Earth’s resources.

On February 26, 1971, U.N. Secretary-General U Thant signed a proclamation saying that the United Nations would celebrate Earth Day annually on the vernal equinox, thereby officially establishing the March date as the international Earth Day.

In his Earth Day statement on March 21, 1971, U Thant said, “May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life.” The United Nations continues to celebrate Earth Day each year by ringing the Peace Bell at U.N. headquarters in New York at the precise moment of the vernal equinox.

The Importance of Earth Day Now

No matter when you celebrate Earth Day, its message about the personal responsibility we all share to “think globally and act locally” as environmental stewards of planet Earth has never been more timely or important.

Our planet is in crisis due to global warming, overpopulation, and other critical environmental issues. Every person on Earth shares the responsibility to do as much as they can to preserve the planet’s finite natural resources today and for future generations.

Sejarah Hari Bumi Sedunia

Hari bumi diadakan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran serta penghayatan kepada alam sekitar. PBB juga meraikan HAri Bumi yang dimulakan oleh John McConnel pada 1969
Sejarah Hari Bumi bermula apabila Senator US Gaylord Nelson mengumumkan bahawa musim bunga 1970  akan diadakan demonstrasi bagi pembelaan alam sekitar. Pada 22 April 1970 dikatakan hampir 20juta rakyat US memenuhi taman dan auditorium untuk menyambutnya

Setiap tahun Hari Bumi 22 April menandakan ulang tahun kelahiran bagi gerakan alam sekitar yang telah  dimulakan sejak 1970. Pada tahun 1990, peringatan Hari Bumi mulai berkembang secara global. Sekitar 200juta orang dari 141 negara di dunia turut sama menyambutnya..

kan ke bagus kalau2 kerja membersihkan bumi semudah ni????

till my fingers meet the keyboard again :)
take care :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

~:: SunnAh RAsuLULLaH ::~


saya sangatttttttttttttttt BUSY  hari ni...
menyiapkan exam papers ...

jom tilik & besar2 kn mata dgn info yg saya nak share hri ni:P

nanti saya update lg,ye...insyaAllah :)
take care :)

* sama2 sentiasa jadikn Rasulullah s.a.w junjungan kita sebagai role model :D

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

~:: BesT QuOte Of d DAy #8 : ThE StrEnGtH In YOU ::~


sihat & ceria pagi ni insyaAllah...

saya sebenarnya daripada last week duk asyik jelajah 1 blog belongs to sorang wanita,isteri & ibu ni....saudari mawar
saya 'terlekat' nk jalajah seluruh blog beliau..sebab saya terlampau kagum pada semangat & ketabahan beliau...
kagum pada kebijaksanaan beliau menguruskan kehidupan terbaru..
ingin sekali juga saya turut mengadaptasikan segala ilmu di dada dalam kehidupan seharian seperti yg beliau lakukan:)

cuba membayangkan diri di tempat beliau...mana mungkin saya mampu...
namun,doa saya..semoga beliau & anak2 terus dalam lindungan & kasih-sayangNya...

sesungguhNya..Allah knows what's best for everyone of us...

pohon saya pd Allah..andai saya perlu terus diuji...biarla saya mampu terus teguh dengan keimanan...
terus berpegang pada kekuatan yg pernah, sedang & selamanya saya miliki...moga bertambah2 jitu & kuat...

semoga sumber2 kekuatan saya ini juga akan terus disamping saya hingga ke hujung nyawa saya...amiiinnnn...

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that 

wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll 

have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. 

You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love 

with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So 

take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, 

and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no 

guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just 

have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they 

mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the 

pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall 

asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, 

and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take 

chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment 

because every second you spend angry or upset is a 

second of happiness you can never get back.

till then,take care semua :))

* mode : bz buat exam papers..AGAIN :(

Monday, April 23, 2012

~:: GiGAnTIc PeN : AnoTher GiFT fRom LonDon ::~


hari ni agaknye tak sempat nk buat entry yg meleret2 mcm yg selalu saya buat..kihkihkih!!

hari ni saya cuti sbb kelamarinkn sports hari ni we olssss are OFF from school..hoooraayyyyy!!!!

apepun,saya tetap buat tuition class this 2 lil fairies ada kt rumah smpai mr papapapito pegi keje,smentara saya sampai rumah adik lelaki saya ada tgkkan dorg..dia keje petang hari ni...

takde benda sangat nk share,,cuma nk share pasal a souvenir given to me by my lovely students tadi pagi waktu tuition...arigatougozaimashita :))
tetiba teringin plak nk kmbali polish my japanese language ( Nihon Go)..kihkihkih!!!mana tak rindu..masa kt skolah dlu 4 thn sy blajar bhasa ni,..kt U pn still blajar lg..skang langsung ditinggalkn..nantila..kena cari msa semula..insyaAllah...ilmu ni kan xbaik dilupa & disia2kn...

eh,melalut ape plak?gift yg this sweet & cute twins bagi bukan dr Japan..tapi dari London.. :))
they just came back form there :)
it's a pair of pen,..yg super duper BESORRRR :P

okay,nak spend my quality time ngan my 2 lil fairiesla..u ollsss take care,ye :))

Sunday, April 22, 2012

~::IkAn BaKaR BeReMpAH ReSePi TuRun TeMUrUN ::~


harap sihat2 & bahgia je semua...
due to kebizian yg tak bertepi...trabai plak beloved blog nikan,ngehhehhehe!!
anywaysss..alhamdulillah sangat2 our Sapura Smart School 7th Anuual SpoRts Meet was finally over..SUCCESSFULLY!!!

di hari kejadian (semalam)..sya bawak anak2 enjoy the spirit of sportsmanship,kihkihkih!!!
alhamdulillah..dorg cool je spanjang event wpun saya cuma sempat jenguk dorg sekejap2 je.. 
just smpat make sure dorg had enough food & drink ..:)
of course spanjang masa tu dorg was looked after by their superb nanny,angah my sist :))

layankan gambor2 dorg spanjang dari kul 1 tghhari smpai kul5 kt StadiuM Shah Alam tu :)..

ok,kt atas tu Green House nyer kontijen...cikgu2 yg mengiringi dorg yg pkai baju wrna sky blue tu,ye...:))
saya pn ada kt situ...bagi semangat kt budak2 :)) 

Que smpai tertido,ngeheheeh!!!dh penat dia pusing2 kt area stadium..sya jenguk and BF dia jap..trus he fell asleep:)..

it was a very MEANINGFUL day for all Green House members in fact coz we finally became THE CHAMPIONNNNN!!!
cikgu2 yg dh lama kt skolah tu & dh lama ngan Green House of coursela lebih2 lagi happy sebab they told me that they were never got to b the champion for YEARSSSS...kihkihkih!!!

so,alhamdulillah..merasa akhirnye...CONGRATTTTTSSSS to the athletes...trasa berbaloi-baloi penat lelah cikgu cikgi slama berminggu2 ni :D

dalam kul 5 lebih2 skit..tok aboh my 2 lil fairies arrived from Lipis so he came & fetched his beloved grandchildren ni...
balikla tayang2 mama ke damansara :))

mama had to finish the whole event sbb mama in charge part prize giving..
penat tak yah ceritalakn..smpai rumah dh lepas maghrib..anak2 semua tertido kepenatan...

nila our dinner yg sangat2 special mlm tadi :))
air tangan our special chef..tok aboh...

macam yg u ollsss tau... my family members mmg pencinta seafood..and ikan mmg the most of allla..:D
and ikan bakar berempah ni mmg jadi meal yg wajib tiap kali kitorg balik rumah my parents :D

tappiiiiiikannnnnn..jangan tanya saya nama ikan ni,kihkihkihkihkih!!!saya tau makan je...
ada 3 ekor semuanya...& semua licinnnn,ye!!!


till my fingers meet the keyboard again,take care :))