
~:: JoM SaMa2 KiTa ::~

~Jom KLiK Cni ~

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

~:: PRU 13 : We Are MaLaysIaNs ::~


alhamdulillah..kembali bkerja kita hari ni?
is it a gloomy day? macam tu ye,olllssss....

hidup ni adalah perjuangan...kecik atau besar tetap perlu kita teruskan...alhamdulillah...kita dh pun tunaikan tggungjawab kita sbg rakyat Malaysia ( buat yg dh mngundi..yg belum smpai masa inshaaAllah moga2 bila sudah masanya tu nanti..anda dh mmg cukup matang & cukup resourseful utk decide & choose..yg boleh mngundi tp refused utk do so,jadila wrga Malaysia yg lebih brtggungjwb next time atau trhalang utk do so..u guys shud try harder next time )...

siapapun yg telah kita pilih sbg pemimpin...terusla kita berdoa moga mereka sntiasa sedar akan tggungjawab yg bkn calang2 tu ( sbelah kaki dlm neraka, sbelah lagi blm tntu ke syurga)..sounds so harsh kan tapi itula hakikat...mnjadi leaders bkn brmkna mereka brkuasa mbuat sgla pilihan & keputusan brdasarkan favoritisme and what not ...

kita sbg rakyat plak...ingin sy seru semua...* ceh, ayat budget politicians plak,ahahaah!!!*

seboleh2nya hentikan sgala propaganda berunsur RACISME...sbb bnda2 ni takkan bwk kita ke mana2...KETUANAN kita takkan terhakis melainkan attitude kita sndiri yg TERLUPA soal JATI DIRI...janganla kita lupa yg segala KEISTIMEWAAN & SUBSIDI yg diberikan adalah hasil perkembangan ekonomi MALAYSIA yg dijana SEMUA MALAYSIANS....SEMUA BANGSA :)))))))

so,lihatla dalam diri kita...:)))))

and utk yg belum betul2 tahu & faham scenario politik kita..lebih baik brdiam diri daripada menyuarakan sesuatu pendapat yg boleh mnunjukkan kedangkalan ilmu pengetahuan kita...
yang tahu pulak jgn trlalu memandai2 jump into conclusion..elakkan daripada trjebak melakukan dosa fitnah, nauzubillah....

mesej penuh brmakna dr our most respected Prof Dr Nor Muhaya :)

Selepas pilihan raya ini hentikan melabel sesiapa 

dan menyalahkan dan menghina sesiapa. Sebaliknya 

kita semua bersaudara dan harus saling mendoakan 

dan sama sama tingkatkan ketakwaan dan cari ilmu 

ugama dan bina diri keluarga dan bangsa dan 

negara. Jom bersihkan hati celik hati reset minda d

an betulkan akidah, perbaiki ibadah dan indahkan 

akhlak Islamiah. Harus bersyukur atas nikmat iman 

dan katakan selamat tinggal kepada kejahilan, 

kedegilan, alasan, pembukaan aurat berleluasa, 

hburan melampau. Semoga kita bermunajat 

mendapat rahmat Allah dengan ketaatan kita. 

Sebarkan kasih sayang dan kesyukuran.

apepun, otw back to KL ptg smalam..saya tatap wajah mulus & suci our 2 lil angels....
terasa tersuntik semangat yg LUAR BIASA .....

buat sayang MAMA & PAPA,
MAMA & PAPA akan terus perjuangkan kehidupan & masa depan sayang berdua...
Allah telah pun tetapkan ketentuan yg TERBAIK buat kita semua :)
Allah juga yang putuskan MAMA & PAPA akan terus menjadi CONTRIBUTORS bukannya BENEFICARIES..kerana Allah  ingin kita terus mendapat pahala yg berganda2 inshaaAllah...

dengan syarat segala yg di beri oleh tangan kanan..langsung tak tercium oleh tangan kiri :)))
dan MAMA & PAPA juga percaya kehidupan di here after lebih penting dari di sini,inshaaAllah :))

agaknya boring jgk u olllsss ,melayan celoteh saya hari ni,ahahaha!!
tak berniat ape2..jauh skali nak guriskan perasaan sesiapa ...jika trluka hati kalian mbacanya..maafkan saya...

apepun, impian & harapan saya..semoga Malaysia terus aman & diberkati Allah,amin :)

we still have only one God named Allah swt to be worshipped,

 5 prayers daily to be performed,

beautiful family members to be cherished and 

blessed life to be thanked for. 

What else could we ask for? Who are we to ask for more?


ingin copy paste sesuatu yg betul2 mewakili pendapat saya...mungkin ada u olllsss yg ternampak surat ni dlm ur FB or anything :)

Askm YB DS,

Congrats for winning the GE13. If you work hard (which I believe you did), you will see the result. Though painful it may be, this team will have 5 years to turn things around. It will be exciting time, I'm ready for the ride.

Anyway, hope DS has heard loud and clear the worries of the middle class generation (yours truly included). We are just simple hardworking salarymen who just want to support families and bring them to holiday jalan2 once a year. We want to support and work with the government of the day. However, deep in our hearts, we do have some regrets

- we are taxed up to the noses but we are not the direct beneficiary to most of your 1 Malaysia programs. Unlike the upper class who have almost limitless source of income, we are just relying on our salaries and once in a while bonuses. Please don't pinch us too much. We know our obligations to pay tax but we do not like to see tax fund to be spent foolishly.

- technically we are still financing the BR1M, TR1M, KR1M and what not. These programs may have won you the votes in the rural areas but honestly, DS, they are just superficial economy and the middle class do not like it at all

- we are still waiting for the recovery of our tax dollars from the likes of NFC and PKFZ. You do this DS, Insya will see, almost immediately, the tides will turn to your favour

- amongst us there are many brilliant middle class minds who can give you ideas on how to win the hearts of the people. Engage and listen to them please DS. You do not need to pay millions of tax dollars to engage expensive consultants who will just cut and past impressive PPT slides. We can give you ideas...FOC

- transparency, accountability are the game of the day DS. You cannot allow corruption, marked-up project cost, greedy political warlords and unhealthy business practices to rule Malaysian economy

- your team must be fair, and seen to be fair, regardless of the political divides. Stop attacking Selangor, Kelantan and other opposition states. You should recapture their hearts, and not make them your sworn enemies

- the PERKASAs, the Nallas, the Zahrains, the Zuls and the rest-you-know-who-they-are have no rights to your ears DS. Surely some of your trusted lieutenants have told you this. Just send them packing to that quiet corner of Malaysian politics (no, not Kemunting)

- give the media a fair chance to give a balanced report. The current generation know very well how to receive and process information, there's no need to hide things...we will find out eventually

The middle class are now larger, and smarter than in the 90s. And it will just grow larger. There is no choice but to win their hearts, mind and soul. This is not about being Malay, Chinese, Indian etc. Its about being Malaysian. If your current crops of advisers have advised you otherwise, obviously they have vested interest and deserve to be fired.

All the best DS! Save Malaysia!


okay ye ollllssss....

take care ye..:))

Yours Truly


dear anies said...

betul tu..PRU da lps..apa yg da terjadi, dah x boleh nk pusing pndg ke hadapan dan hadapinya dgn hati yg terbuka

Unknown said...

saya sokong kak!

Ira said...

diharap kelemahan yg ada pada pentadbiran yg lepas dapat diperbaiki & berubah ke arah yg lebih baik..

Ratu Hatiku said...

Betul setuju...terimalah dgn hati yg terbuka.. Apapun kita doakan semoga negara kita aman & damai...

☾SHiemaCMa786☾ said...

Salam K.Immi..
hihi..tetiba rasa teruja plak..
tp tu la..kisah PRU-13 ni masih panas dibahaskan.. huhu...

semoga segala janji ditepati ;)