why QUE DONDANG???eheheeh!!!asalnya Que dpt nama mnja ni sbb dia sgt suka 'berdondang sayang' msa dlm pntang,kihkihkih!!!itula dia antra character hero mama,papa n kakak ni!:)
okla,actually entri ni nk crta pasal kesengsaraan my lil 11mo Que ditengah kekalutan mama baru nk mula keje blik lpas cuti panjaaaaaannnngggg.......his upper & lower lip & front part of his tongue ditumbuhi ulcer....aduuuuuhhhh kciannya..:'(.....today dh masuk 3days he's facing difficulties in chewing,eating,swallowing and BF...:((
smalam dh bwk Que g panel clinic Pantai Medicare to assure yg is it normal ulcer ataupn ada symptoms HFMD..nauzubillah..such a big relief bila doc ckp there's nothing to be worried about..it's just normal ulcers..doc bagi orrigel utk sapu & ubat antibiotic utk ditelan &diludah kmbali oleh Que,uhhuhu!!!alhamdulillah..yet..hati sgt gundah nengok Que so cranky2 all day long...uhuhuh!!ketiyan tayang mama..:'(...maklumla..Que mmg xbyk ragamnya..manjanya of coursela trsangat coz dia breastfedkn..tp dia jrg cranky2 for no reasonsla...tmbh plak dia mmg jrg demam..alhamdulillah sgt2..inipun umurnya dh nk dkt 1yo...ini bru 2nd time dia demam....
if i were to touch psal progressnya,..Que ni sgt melucukn sbb umur dh nk dkt 1thn blm jgk terer merangkak..ngeheheh!!!klau nk compare ngan eechaa si kakak mmg sgtla jauh bezanya,..eechaa umur 9mo dh blh jln,k..1yo dh blh brlari kot..tp i dont think that there's anything 2 b worried a lot coz mmg kta org bdk laki ni lmbat skit..insyaAllah...he grows up healthily is what matters..:))
okla,ape2pn sini nk share sikit pasal ulcer @ oral thrush yg terjadi pada babies,infants & toddlers...
This is some info from patient UK
What is oral thrush?
Thrush is an infection caused by a yeast germ called Candida. The mouth is a common site where Candida causes infection. This is called oral thrush. Other common sites for thrush to develop are the vagina, nappy area, and nail folds.
Why do some babies get oral thrush?
Small numbers of Candida commonly live on healthy skin and in a healthy mouth. They are usually harmless. However, for reasons that are not clear, an 'overgrowth' of Candida occurs in the mouth of some babies. This can cause a bout of oral thrush. About 1 in 7 babies develop a bout of oral thrush at some point. It is most common in babies younger than 10 weeks, but it can occur in some older babies too. Oral thrush is not usually due to poor hygiene, and it does not usually mean that the baby is ill in any other way. Some babies have recurring bouts.
What are the symptoms of oral thrush?
White spots usually develop in the mouth and on the tongue. The spots may join together to form larger spots or 'plaques'. They may become yellow or grey.
The baby may not be bothered by the infection. However, sometimes the mouth becomes sore. Some babies may drool saliva, or refuse to feed properly because of soreness.
What is the treatment for oral thrush?
Many mild cases last a short time - just a few days or so - and clear without any treatment.
Your doctor may prescribe a gel that contains an anti-thrush drug called miconazole. You smear this onto affected areas in the mouth, as often as prescribed by your doctor. To avoid the very small risk of choking, apply a little at a time and not to the back of the throat. Little of this drug is absorbed into the body when swallowed. It works by killing the Candida germs within the inside of the mouth.
An alternative treatment is drops which contain an anti-thrush drug called nystatin. You use a dropper which comes with the drops to place the liquid onto affected areas.
See your doctor if the thrush has not cleared within seven days of starting treatment.
Can oral thrush be prevented?
Most bouts of oral thrush occur for no apparent reason. However, the following tips may help to prevent some bouts.
Regularly sterilise all dummies and other mouth toys used by a baby.
If you bottle feed, regularly sterilise all feeding equipment, especially teats.
Some people suggest giving a baby a drink of sterilised water after a feed. This rinses away any residual milk in the mouth which Candida may thrive on.
Latar belakang
Ulser mulut merupakan luka dalam mulut yang berwarna putih atau kuning yang dikelilingi oleh warna kemerahan dan menyakitkan.
Apakah yang menyebabkan ulser mulut?
Penyebab sebenar ulser mulut tidak diketahui. Ia mungkin terjadi disebabkan oleh :
- Stres
- Perubahan hormon
- Jangkitan (infeksi)
- Kekurangan zat makanan
- Alahan
- Radioterapi
Penyebab sebenar ulser mulut tidak diketahui. Ia mungkin terjadi disebabkan oleh :
- Stres
- Perubahan hormon
- Jangkitan (infeksi)
- Kekurangan zat makanan
- Alahan
- Radioterapi
- Kimoterapi
"agak2nya which category Que falls into?"
Tanda-tanda (simptom)
Tanda-tanda ulser mulut termasuk :
- Rasa membakar dalam mulut
- Kesakitan
- Tidak selesa
- Hilang selera makan
- Derma
-ni semua yg bt Que cranky2 kot,uhuhuh!!!:(Berapa lama ulser mulut akan sembuh?
Kesakitan biasanya akan berkurangan dalam tempoh 3-4 hari tetapi ulser akan mengambil masa selama 10-14 hari untuk sembuh.
"Aduhhh!! lamenyer...."
Dapatkan pemeriksaan di klinik pergigian jika ulser berlanjutan selepas dua minggu untuk memastikan ia bukan lesi kanser dan pra-kanser.
Apa yang boleh anda lakukan?
Untuk melegakan rasa sakit, anda boleh mencuba petua-petua berikut :
- Gunakan bahan kumuran antiseptik el atau krim penahan sakit
- Kekalkan kebersihan mulut yang baik
- Makan makanan lembut
- Elakkan makan makanan panas dan pedas
- Banyakkan minum air
- Gunakan bahan kumuran antiseptik el atau krim penahan sakit
- Kekalkan kebersihan mulut yang baik
- Makan makanan lembut
- Elakkan makan makanan panas dan pedas
- Banyakkan minum air
apakah gejala-gejala dan Simptom-simptom penyakit HFM?
Ulser mulut pada kanak-kanak terutama sekali di bahagian lidah, gusi dan bahagian dalam pipi. Ulser ini menyebabkan rasa sakit dan boleh berlanjutan sehingga 7 ke 10 hari. Lepuh atau ruam pada tangan dan kaki walaupun ia mungkin timbul pada badan dan anggota yang lain. Berlainan dengan cacar air, ruam ini jarang sekali menimbulkan kegatalan. Demam sederhana panas ( 38°C ke 39°C). Walaupun terdapat beberapa kes yang boleh membawa maut, penyakit HFM biasanya boleh sembuh dengan sendiri. Pada masa ini, masih tiada lagi rawatan yang khusus. Selalunya, pesakit akan dirawat dengan menggunakan cecair, ubat tahan sakit dan pelega demam untuk mengurangkan ketidakselesaan pesakit sehingga penyakit tersebut hilang dengan sendiri. Segera bawa anak anda ke hospital sekiranya anda mengesyaki anak anda sudah dijangkiti penyakit ini.
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